The sign of doomsday will be revealed in the desert

Zoom-Bangla Desk: The life of the universe will end one day. Earth, sky will all be destroyed through Mahapralaya or Qiyamat. But no one knows when it will happen except Allah. It is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an that the knowledge of the Day of Judgment is known only to Him. No fruit

Zoom-Bangla Desk: The life of the universe will end one day. Earth, sky will all be destroyed through Mahapralaya or Qiyamat. But no one knows when it will happen except Allah. It is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an that the knowledge of the Day of Judgment is known only to Him. No fruit is uncovered and no woman gives birth and conceives children outside of His knowledge. (Surah Ha-Mim-Sajda: 47)


It is also stated, 'They are only waiting for the Hour to come upon them suddenly. In fact, the signs of doomsday have already arrived. So when the doomsday comes, how will they accept advice? (Surah Muhammad: 18)

According to Islam, as the time of doomsday approaches, small and big signs of doomsday will continue to appear. A significant sign is that various natural disasters including excessive rain, lack of rain, severe cold and fire will increase. There will be storms in the desert region. As a result, the Arab region will be affected by floods. A dry desert will turn into a green forest with the touch of water.

On the authority of Abu Hurairah (R.A.), Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said , 'The Hour will not take place until there is an abundance of wealth. Even a person will go around with zakat of wealth but will not find people to take it. The plains of Arabia will then turn into pastures and rivers.' (Sahih Muslim: 2229)

According to hadith scholars, this hadith does not only refer to the current Saudi state. In the language of the Qur'an and Hadith, Arabia refers to the entire Arabian Peninsula. This peninsula includes present-day Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Yemen and Oman.

The Major Signs of the Doomsday
The major signs of the Doomsday described in the hadiths are - the appearance of Imam Mahdi, the appearance of the false Dajjal, the arrival of Jesus (AS), the appearance of Yajuz-Majuj, three major landslides in the East-West and Arab regions, huge smoke, the sunrise in the western sky, strange Manifestation of beasts, fire coming out of Yemen and driving people away etc. (Sahih Jame' as-Sagheer: 7752)

Hajj pilgrims have to register by October 23

Minor Signs
Among the minor signs of the Hour are the abundance of wealth and no one to pay Zakat, the creation of various disturbances (fitna), the lack of trustworthiness, the removal of knowledge and the spread of ignorance, usury, adultery, alcohol, and musical instruments. Prevalence, construction of mansions of the herdsman class, handmaiden giving birth to her master, disobedience to parents, murder, more earthquakes, transfiguration of man, falling of stones from the sky, dreams of believers coming true, increase in false witness, increase in number of women, Arab land Filling meadows and rivers, mountains of gold appearing in the river Euphrates, wild beasts and inanimate objects talking to humans, etc. (Bukhari: 7115, 5671; Muslim, 157; Meshkat: 5410)

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