Damages caused by overcharging mobile phones

Science and Technology Desk: Many people go to sleep charging the phone at night after using the smartphone all day. Do not forget this task. This can cause a lot of damage to the phone.

Science and Technology Desk: Many people go to sleep charging the phone at night after using the smartphone all day. Do not forget this task. This can cause a lot of damage to the phone.

Mobile Charge

If you want to keep the phone good for a long time, some rules must be followed. One of them is charging the phone properly. For example, many people do not use chargers from the same company as the phone company. Charge the phone day after day with a cheap charger. Doing this for a long time is bound to affect the phone's battery.

Also, charging the phone and using it like talking, messaging, surfing the internet, watching videos, playing games are harmful to the health of the phone. Also, it is bad for the phone to continue using it even after the charge is completely depleted, and it is also not good to overcharge the phone.

Many people have the habit of keeping their phone charged almost all the time. Overcharging the phone is one of the reasons why the battery deteriorates quickly. So if you have a habit, stop it immediately. It is not good to have less than 20 percent charge on the phone. There is no need to have a 100 percent charge. 80 to 90 percent charge should be given. Rather, if the phone is fully charged, it can have an adverse effect on the battery. So be careful to stay on time.

Leaving the phone on charge overnight can cause several problems. For example-

>> Firstly overcharging the phone will cause the device to heat up. This directly affects the battery. Phone battery can swell. There is a possibility of getting worse. Overheating can even cause the phone to explode.

>> Leaving the phone charged overnight means that the phone's battery stores extra charge than it needs. This can shorten battery life. Your phone can get damaged quickly. So the phone should not be kept on charge overnight.

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Monirul Islam

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