Allegation of embezzlement of dead disabled person's allowance against A.League leader

An Awami League leader has been accused of embezzling disability allowance for three years by showing a dead disabled person alive in Dhaka's Dhamrai Upazila. Accused Chabur Ali is the general secretary of Awami League of Ward No. 7 of Baishakanda Union of Upazila. He is the son of d

An Awami League leader has been accused of embezzling disability allowance for three years by showing a dead disabled person alive in Dhaka's Dhamrai Upazila. Accused Chabur Ali is the general secretary of Awami League of Ward No. 7 of Baishakanda Union of Upazila. He is the son of deceased Haja Mia of South Analiyakhola village.


Locals said that Alal Mia, son of the deceased Taiz Uddin Ali of South Analiyakhola village, was physically disabled and was given a poor disability card by the social services office in 2016. Since then, Alal used to withdraw money by tips at Krishi Bank Dhamrai branch every three months. In 5 years he collected 31 thousand 250 rupees. Then in 2020/21 financial year, Alal Mia said that the money will be sent to the mobile number and Alal Mia gave his cousin the local Awami League General Secretary Chhabur Ali the mobile number, since then the allowance money was sent to that number.

Alal Mia's wife Chandrabanu and son Hasan Ali, who suffered in this regard, said, 'We have been informed long ago that the allowance card has been stopped after Alal Mia's death, so we have no news. A few days ago when Rasheda madam came, I came to know that the money is coming to our card, but for three years Chabur Ali has not given us money. '

Union social worker Rasheda Begum said, "There is an invalid disability allowance card named Alal Mia, I went to the area for investigation a few days ago, when I asked Chandrabanu about Alal Mia, he said - Chabur told them that Alal Mia's card has been closed." Then when I called Chabur Ali he told me that he is not getting money. When he introduced me, he hung up. But I sent 31 thousand 650 taka 13 times in 39 months to Chabur Ali's mobile, how can people embezzle money from disabled people.

In this regard, local member Abdul Khalek said, Alal Mia died a long time ago, but that day I heard that his allowance card is still valid and Chabur Ali has secretly embezzled the allowance money.

Chabur Ali said that after the death of Alal Mia, I have given all the money coming to my mobile phone to Alal Mia's wife.

Monirul Islam

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