Getting liquidity support, turning around 6 weak banks

Jumbangla Desk: Three strong banks have given a total of Tk 1,640 crore loan assistance to six weak banks suffering from liquidity crisis. This information was revealed on Sunday (20 October) by Bangladesh Bank sources.

Jumbangla Desk: Three strong banks have given a total of Tk 1,640 crore loan assistance to six weak banks suffering from liquidity crisis. This information was revealed on Sunday (20 October) by Bangladesh Bank sources.


Banks that have received financial assistance include First Security Islami Bank, Social Islami, Union Bank, Global Islami Bank, National Bank and Exim Bank. Funds have been provided by Sonali Bank, Mutual Trust Bank and Dutch Bangla Bank.

According to sources, strong banks are giving loans to help weak banks suffering from liquidity crisis. In this, the weak banks facing liquidity crisis are overcoming some financial crisis.

Sonali Bank Plc, Mutual Trust Bank Plc and Dutch Bangla Bank Plc have given loan assistance of Tk 1,640 crore to 6 banks, sources said, out of which First Security Islami Bank Tk 375 crore, Social Islami Bank Tk 300 crore, Union Bank Tk 150 crore and Global Islami Bank received Tk 95 crore. And National Bank Plc got Tk 320 crore and Exim Bank Plc got Tk 400 crore liquidity support.

Bangladesh Bank says that every effort is being made to restore customer confidence. Customers should be patient. Central Bank Executive Director and Spokesperson Husnay Ara Shikha said that people are rushing to the bank. If this trend continues, no matter how much money is given to the bank, the bank will not be able to handle the pressure of so many people.

Urging the people not to overindulge unnecessarily, Shikha said, Bangladesh Bank is trying its best to restore the confidence of the customers. Customer confidence will not be undermined.

Earlier on September 25, the Governor met with the Managing Director (MD) and their representatives to lend to weak banks against Bangladesh Bank's guarantee. Ahsan H. Mansoor. The banks are: state-owned Sonali Bank, private sector BRAC, Eastern, City, Shahjalal Islami, Mutual Trust, Pubali, Dhaka, Dutch-Bangla Bank and Bank Asia.


At the end of the meeting, it was informed that if the weak banks want to return the loan money, Bangladesh Bank will return it to the strong banks within three days. However, the interest rate of the loan will be fixed at the current rate.

Monirul Islam

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