Jumbangla Desk: The post of assistant head teacher is being created in government primary schools. The Ministry of Public Administration has approved the appointment of 9,500 newly created teachers. The recruitment process will start after getting the approval of the Ministry of Finance, Secretary Committee and Chief Adviser's office. The information was revealed on Tuesday (October 22) from a letter from the Ministry of Public Administration.
Regarding the creation of the post of Assistant Headmaster of the Government Primary School under the Directorate of Primary Education, the letter states that the consent of the Ministry of Public Administration has been notified for the creation of 9 thousand 572 posts of Assistant Headmaster for the Government Primary School under the Directorate of Primary Education of the Ministry of Primary and Public Education.
In the letter signed by Nasima Yasmin, Research Officer (Additional Duty) of the Ministry of Public Administration, as a condition of this appointment, it is said that all the formalities must be completed with the approval of the expenditure management and implementation section of the Finance Department. Recommendations of Secretary Committee regarding administrative development should also be accepted. Principal Adviser's approval is sought where applicable.
The advisor of the concerned ministry will give approval at the stage of issuing the order for creation of posts. In this regard, the order of the cabinet department should be followed. Since the posts created are eligible for promotion, it is mandatory to include the posts created in the Government Primary School Teacher Recruitment Rules and process the promotion. Copy of post creation page JIO should be sent to Organization and Management Division of Ministry of Public Administration. The letter also stated that all the conditions imposed by the Ministry of Public Administration must be mentioned in the official approval letter for the creation of posts.
It is known that the Ministry of Primary and Mass Education recommended for the creation of 65 thousand 566 posts. Accordingly, one assistant head teacher post was created in each school. But initially, this post has been approved for those schools which have more than 250 students.