According to Islam, cyclones are caused by

Dharma Desk: Natural disasters and calamities are an inevitable reality in human life. Many times in history, natural disasters have destroyed people's lives and property. Islam sees such calamities as a test and punishment of Almighty Allah.

Dharma Desk: Natural disasters and calamities are an inevitable reality in human life. Many times in history, natural disasters have destroyed people's lives and property. Islam sees such calamities as a test and punishment of Almighty Allah.


Allah subhanahu ta'ala tests His creation in various ways, sometimes with loss of wealth, sometimes with loss of life. Cyclones, earthquakes, epidemics, droughts, etc. all happen by the command of Allah and it is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an that there is an effect of human activities behind it.

Why cyclones occur and how Islam views such natural disasters are explained in the light of the Holy Quran and Hadith. When such a calamity occurs, it is a duty to ask Allah for forgiveness, to repent and ask for forgiveness. It is very important to focus on improving your life. Let's discuss why cyclones occur from an Islamic perspective and the message behind them.

Natural disasters in the eyes of Islam

In the eyes of Islam, natural disasters such as cyclones, epidemics, storms, earthquakes, are not just natural phenomena; Behind these are the messages of God's test and warning to people. Allah repeatedly mentions in the Qur'an that disasters occur on land and water due to human activities. For example, Allah says in verse 41 of Surah Rum,

Man-made disasters have spread on land and water. Allah wants them to taste the punishment of their deeds, so that they return. (Surah Room 41)

From this it can be understood that natural disasters occur as a result of people's wrongdoing, sin and dishonesty, and through these things Allah makes people understand their mistakes, so that they repent and return to the path of Allah.

Causes cyclones and other disasters

In the hadith the Prophet (pbuh) explained why and when natural disasters occur. Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (R.A.) narrated that Rasulullah (S.A.W.) said, 'When public obscenity spreads among a nation, there is an outbreak of (new) diseases in the form of epidemics which were not seen among previous nations. When a nation rigs weights and measures, famine and suffering ensue. If a nation fails to pay Zakat, Allah deprives them of rain.'

It is clear from this that cyclones and other natural disasters are not only natural phenomena, but the result of human wickedness and moral decay. Through such calamities, Allah warns people, makes them taste the fruits of their deeds and calls them to turn to Allah.

Acts of the Prophet during times of disaster

Rasool (pbuh) used to get very upset during natural calamities. It is known from the hadith that when the clouds gathered in the sky or the wind speed increased, he feared Allah's punishment and sought repentance. He also ordered the Companions to be more engaged in repentance, Istegfar and prayers.

Rasulullah (s.a.w.) always advised people to strengthen their relationship with Allah and ask Allah for help in any danger. He also said that when a nation disobeys the orders of Allah and His Messenger, Allah makes a foreign enemy rule over them, who oppresses them.

In the Islamic view, natural disasters such as cyclones are a test and punishment from Allah for humans. Through this Allah warns people from their mistakes and calls them to repent. The causes and remedies for these calamities are clearly explained in the Holy Quran and Hadith. So whenever a natural calamity occurs, Muslims should accept it as part of Allah's will and do more repentance and reform themselves.


It is essential to remember Allah and obey His commands in every aspect of human life. Natural disasters are a reminder to us that we are small before the Creator and that there is no other way than full faith and surrender to Him.


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