After writing in the morning, Sarjis changed his tune in the afternoon

Jumbangla Desk: The coordinator of the anti-discrimination student movement, Sarjis Alam, withdrew from his statement after filing a petition in the High Court seeking a ban on the party's organizational activities until the three elections held during the Awami League period are dec

Jumbangla Desk: The coordinator of the anti-discrimination student movement, Sarjis Alam, withdrew from his statement after filing a petition in the High Court seeking a ban on the party's organizational activities until the three elections held during the Awami League period are declared illegal and the judgment is passed.

Natural Sarjis

In response to a question from reporters in the afternoon, Sarzis said that no writ has been filed. Just processed.

The writ petition in the High Court seeking a ban on Awami League's political activities and participation in elections was published in various media on Monday. According to these reports, Hasnat Abdullah, convener of the anti-discrimination student movement, and Sarjis Alam, coordinator, filed this writ in the relevant branch of the High Court on Monday.

After the media report, Sarjis Alam wrote in a Facebook status, 'Two writs have been filed. The first writ on why the past three elections of Awami League should not be declared invalid and the benefits obtained illegally should not be returned. A second writ as to why they should not be restrained from all political activities till the judgment of this case.'


Sarjis Alam also said in the post that there is no mention of Awami League being banned or registration banned as a party.

Senior lawyer Ahsanul Karim, the lawyer of the writ petitioners, also confirmed the information about the filing of the writ to the journalists. He said, 'Awami League was not directly banned in the writ. As a political party, a ban on the political activities of the Awami League has been sought.

Ahsanul Karim said that the writ may be heard in the High Court bench of Justice Fatema Najib and Justice Shikder Mahmudur Razi on Tuesday.

Later in the afternoon, after the dialogue with the AB party, the journalists wanted to know the matter from Sarjis. At this time Sarjis said that no writ has been filed yet. The writ has just been drafted.

Stating that the writ process has not yet been completed, Sarzis said that the coordinators will come before the media after the process. Sarzis said, "Nowhere in our writ is there any ban or cancellation of Awami League's registration."


Sarjis Alam said, 'We were processing a writ, there we will not go on the basis of anything that Awami League has done to destroy any party in 16 years. All the people of the country will testify that they have conducted the last three elections which were a farce. Then they should be declared illegal. Those who availed various state benefits after the election are also illegal.'

The coordinator of the anti-discrimination student movement also said, 'We have made a preliminary draft. This process is not over yet. We would say in front of the media after completing the process tomorrow or the day after. It has been said in the media that Awami League has been banned. Neither Hasnat nor I have spoken to the media about this. It seems to us that it may have gone to the media as a side talk through someone.'


Advising the media to check before publishing any information, he said, 'Maybe the writ process will be completed tomorrow. We are wondering if two issues can be combined into one writ. I have also spoken to lawyers. We will certainly do the writ. We will let you know tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. All confusion will be removed only by telling the main point.'

Source: Independent TV Online


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