The deeds that the Prophet (pbuh) used to do on Fridays

Jumbangla Desk: Friday is very important in Islam. In the Holy Qur'an, it is ordered to go to the mosque quickly on Friday. Apart from that, important periods are mentioned in the hadith. It was said, 'O believers! When the call to prayer is called on Friday, remember Allah and

Jumbangla Desk: Friday is very important in Islam. In the Holy Qur'an, it is ordered to go to the mosque quickly on Friday. Apart from that, important periods are mentioned in the hadith. It was said, 'O believers! When the call to prayer is called on Friday, remember Allah and stop trading; that is better for you, if you understand.

Then when the prayer is over, spread out on the earth and seek the bounty of Allah (sustenance) and remember Allah more, that you may be successful.' (Surah: Friday, Verses: 9-10)
Some important acts of Friday are discussed below-

1. The special status of Friday

Narrated by Abu Lubaba bin Abdul Munjir (RA), Rasulullah (SAW) mentioned five characteristics of Friday. They are - one. Allah created Adam (A.S.) on this day. Two. Allah Almighty sent Adam (AS) down to earth on this day.

Three. Adam died on this day. Four. There is a time in this day, when a servant asks Allah, He will grant it. As long as he does not pray anything haram. Five. Doomsday will take place on this day. (Ibn Majah, Hadith: 895)

2. Friday prayer

On the authority of Salman Farsi, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever takes a bath on Friday, becomes purified as much as possible, uses oil, uses perfume from the house, then comes to the mosque, and does not go forward between two worshipers there, certain A number of prayers were offered, then when the imam began to speak, he remained silent; Then Allah will forgive the sins of the time between his two Fridays.' (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 883)

In another hadith, narrated by Abu Huraira (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, 'Five times of prayer, one Friday to the next Friday, one Ramadan to the next Ramadan expiates the sins of the intervening period; If that person abstains from all kinds of sins.' (Muslim, Hadith: 233)

3. Bathing on Friday

Taking a bath on Friday and going to the mosque early is a very rewarding act. On the authority of Aws bin Aws Saqafi (RA), the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, 'Whoever performs a good ablution on Jumu'ah, goes to the mosque early and sits close to (the imam) and listens attentively (to the sermon), for him is one step for every step. There will be a year's reward for fasting and prayer.' (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 345)

4. Entering the mosque first

It is important to enter the mosque early on Friday and listen carefully to the sermon.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, 'Whoever takes a bath on Friday, then goes to the mosque first, is like sacrificing a camel. Whoever then goes to the mosque, it is as if he sacrificed a cow. And the one who entered next, as if he sacrificed a goat, the one who entered next as if he sacrificed a chicken, and the one who entered next as if he sacrificed an egg. Then when the imam came for the sermon, the angels began to listen to the discussion.' (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 841)
5. A special moment of prayer acceptance

Prayers are accepted on Fridays There is a time on Fridays when people pray to Allah and Allah accepts them. On the authority of Jaber (RA), Rasulullah (SAW) said, 'If a Muslim prays to Allah for something good on Friday, Allah will give it to him. You search the time after Asr.' (Abu Dawud, Hadith Number: 1048)

On the authority of Jaber Ibn Abdullah (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, 'There is a moment within the twelve hours of Friday, if a Muslim prays to Allah during this time, then Allah, the Exalted and Almighty, grants him. This moment you seek at the end of Ashar. (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 1048)

6. Recitation of Surah Kahf

One of the acts of Jumu'ah is reciting Surah Kahf. On the authority of Abu Sa'id Khudri (RA), the Prophet (PBUH) said, 'Whoever recites Surah Kahf on Friday, the period between the two Fridays will be illuminated for him. And the person who recites the last 10 verses of this Surah, then when the Dajjal comes out, he will not be able to harm him. (Sahih Targhib, Hadith: 1473, Al Mustadarak: 2/399)

7. Sins are forgiven

On the authority of Salman Farsi, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever takes a bath on Friday, becomes purified as much as possible, uses oil, uses perfume from the house, then comes to the mosque, and does not go forward between two worshipers there, certain A number of prayers were offered, then when the imam began to speak, he remained silent; Then Allah forgives the sins of the time between his two Fridays.' (Sahih Bukhari, Hadith: 883)

8. Darud reading

It is obligatory to recite many blessings on the Prophet (PBUH) on Friday. On the authority of Aws bin Abi Aws (ra), the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said, ' Friday is the best of your days . Adam (as) was created on this day. He passed away on this day. On this day the trumpet will be blown and on this day everyone will faint. Therefore, bless me more on this day. Because your blessings are presented to me on Friday.' The Companions said, How will our blessings be presented to you, while your body will eventually be exhausted? He said, 'Allah has forbidden the eating of my body for the sake of the land.' (Abu Dawud, Hadith: 1047)

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