Home remedies to keep ripe bananas fresh for longer

Banana is a fruit that is eaten more or less in every house in our country. People prefer to eat banana for breakfast because of its healthy properties and its ability to provide instant energy to the body. Besides, banana is the most readily available fruit to meet caloric needs. The amou

Banana is a fruit that is eaten more or less in every house in our country. People prefer to eat banana for breakfast because of its healthy properties and its ability to provide instant energy to the body. Besides, banana is the most readily available fruit to meet caloric needs. The amount of calories in the fruit is 100. It also contains minerals, vitamins, antioxidants. Which helps us to maintain good health.

But as soon as the bananas were brought home, they started turning black. If the bananas brought at night start rotting in the morning, then it is normal to worry. But you can store bananas well after bringing them from the market. We will tell you some tips to keep bananas fresh for a long time, which will be very useful for you. For example-

Cover the banana

Although it is recommended to cover bananas to preserve freshness, store each banana separately by covering them instead of covering them all together. In this way, bananas stay fresh for a long time.

hanging method

To keep bananas fresher for longer, the hanging technique is also very effective. Instead of placing bananas on a table or other surface, hang them anywhere. For this, tie a string to the stem of the banana and hang it anywhere. This will prevent bananas from ripening quickly and will keep them fresh. But keep one thing in mind that banana should not be cut anywhere.

Wash in vinegar

Vinegar can also be used to prevent bananas from spoiling quickly. For this, fill a large bowl with water and add a few spoons of vinegar. Now dip the banana in this solution and take it out. Bananas can be kept fresh for a long time with this technique.

When to refrigerate bananas?

When you get bananas from the market, you need to think about storing them according to freshness. In fact, the color and shape of the banana will dictate how long the banana can stay fresh. If the banana is a bit raw, don't make the mistake of putting it directly in the fridge. Keep open in the kitchen for 2 days to keep fresh. Then keep it in the fridge.

You can also use water with vitamin C tablets to freshen bananas, just like vinegar. For this you have to dissolve vitamin C tablets in water and put banana in it. Bananas can be prevented from spoiling quickly by using this technique. This is a very simple way of preserving bananas.

Monirul Islam

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