Everyone wants to get healthy body, fat free look, tight glowing skin. Doctors and nutritionists say that exercise is important to keep the body healthy. Even if you want to lose fat, you need to pay attention to a balanced diet. And in order to keep the skin healthy, it is necessary to eat vitamins and minerals along with beauty.
Ways to eat beetroot
But what to do to get all these together, do you know?
For all this, regular exercise, nutritious eating habits, skin and hair care are very important. However, you can sip a special beet drink every morning. There is a reason for that.
Beets are naturally high in nitrates. This nitrate is converted into nitric oxide in the body. Which keeps the problem of high blood pressure under control. Even if high blood pressure is controlled, people with low blood pressure can avoid it.
Beets are rich in vitamin C, folate and manganese. Which helps to keep the body healthy, increase immunity.
Aids in digestion
Beets are high in fiber. Eating foods rich in fiber is important for digestion. Along with keeping weight under control, it is necessary to keep food containing fiber and vitamins in the diet. Bits contain all these elements.
Keeps skin well
Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, beets help in reducing wrinkles and blemishes. It also removes dark spots under the eyes. Black spots on the lips can be removed with beets. Do you know that a popular B-town actress has beet salad on her menu? But you can eat it as a drink, not a salad.
How to make the special drink?
Half a beetroot, a small piece of ginger, a little bit of cinnamon, a few mint leaves and cumin. Stir the cinnamon into the dry pan. Mix the rest of the ingredients in a mixer and sprinkle cinnamon powder on top.
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Each element has its own qualities, apart from bits. Cinnamon and cumin aid digestion, reduce flatulence. Mint leaves are also good for the body. Ginger also helps in weight loss.