Lifestyle Desk: Those who have passport but do not know how to correct any wrong information in it. But there is nothing to worry about. You can easily correct the mistake in your e-passport.
The first thing you need to know to correct the wrong information in the passport is that there is no opportunity to correct the new information in the issued passport. Rather, you have to reissue a new passport to correct the wrong information.
If you have wrong information in your first passport, you have to issue a new passport showing the wrong information in the passport. Online application for correction of errors. In this case, you have to go to the specific website and click on the passport renewal option.
There is an opportunity to renew the passport online at Bangladesh ePassport . You have to go through the same steps for passport amendment as you have to go through to create a passport with incorrect information.
However, in case of minors (below 18 years), birth registration certificate can be used as an alternative. JSC or JDC or SSC or Dakhil or Open University or any technical and equivalent certificate can be used if necessary. Besides, written application and undertaking will be required for correction of information.
Application and undertaking forms are available in the Forms and Fees option of this website. These forms are also available at regional passport offices. For correction of information, the applicant has to fill the forms manually. Then they should be submitted to the passport office.
Birth registration certificate in case of minors. In case of submission of photocopy of birth registration certificate, photocopy of NID of parents should also be submitted.
Birth registration certificate in case of minors. In case of submission of photocopy of birth registration certificate, photocopy of NID of parents should also be submitted.
Any one certificate from JSC, JDC, SSC, Dakhil, Open University, Technical and equivalent educational qualifications.
In case of immigrants, permanent resident or job ID or student ID card or driving license will be required.
Original copy of old e-passport and photocopy of pages containing passport holder's personal and immigration information.
Color printed copy of online application for e-passport renewal
Printed copy of application summary for e-passport renewal with appointment.
Fee deposit receipt if fee is paid through bank.
Written application and undertaking in the sample form displayed on the website of the Immigration and Passport Department or at the passport office.
Government No Objection or Ordinance Certificate in case of Government Servants.
Kabinnama in case of addition, change or correction of marital status.
Copy of electricity or gas bill of the house where you live in case of change or correction of permanent address.
For those who do not have any educational qualification certificate, a court affidavit will be required to change their name, age, parent's name partially or completely.
How to Apply Online
Apply for e-passport renewal online for renewal or correction of old e-passport. In both cases the online form has to be filled in the same way. In this case, you have to select the option - Yes, I have an Electronic Passport (ePP) in the ID documents section. After that you have to give the old e-passport information. Care must be taken while applying to match the information provided in the NID.
Since you have taken an e-passport, you have your own account on the website of the Immigration and Passport Department. So you have to login using the previous email and password. Then click on Directly to Online Application.
Then all the sections from passport type to address have to be filled one by one like making a new e-passport. After entering all the details of the current e-passport in the ID document, from parental information to delivery options and appointments, the new e-passport application should be filled. Then submit after filling the entire application form. Then download and print the application copy.
rectification fee
The fee for applying for a new e-passport is the same for renewal or correction of incorrect information. Apart from this, in case of correction of name or age, court affidavit may cost like 2 to 3 thousand rupees. Must bring the deposit receipt.
48 Pages 5 Years Term:
Fee Rs.4025 for normal delivery within 15-21 working days.
The fee for urgent delivery within 7-10 working days is Tk 6 thousand 325.
The fee for urgent delivery within 2 working days is 8 thousand 625 taka.
48 pages 10 years Tenure:
Fee 5 thousand 750 taka for normal delivery within 15-21 working days.
Fee 8 thousand 50 taka for urgent delivery within 7-10 working days.
The fee for urgent delivery within 2 working days is Tk 10 thousand 350.
64 Pages 5 Years Term:
Fee Rs 6,325 for normal delivery within 15-21 working days.
Fee for urgent delivery within 7-10 working days is 8 thousand 625 taka.
Fee 12 thousand 75 taka for urgent delivery within 2 working days.
64 Pages 10 Years Tenure:
Fee Rs.8,500 for normal delivery within 15-21 working days.
Fee 10 thousand 350 for urgent delivery within 7-10 working days.
The fee for urgent delivery within 2 working days is 13 thousand 800 taka.
All reforms are ready - Dr. Muhammad Yunus
Where to submit the application
Present the current e-passport at the office from which you obtained it on the scheduled date with all the required documents available online. The officer in charge will then check your documents and give you a delivery slip. The slip will mention the probable date of delivery of revised passport. So store it carefully.