The number 241543903 in Google search will surprise you!

If you search on Google to know about any subject, all the news comes in a moment. Well, see what the significance of the number above? If you search the number 241543903, you will see a picture of a fridge, open, with a woman putting her head down inside.

If you search on Google to know about any subject, all the news comes in a moment. Well, see what the significance of the number above? If you search the number 241543903, you will see a picture of a fridge, open, with a woman putting her head down inside.


In addition, there are some other such pictures of an open fridge, with a person inside. What does this mean? There is an interesting story behind it. David Horvitz, a New York painter, offers a variety of suggestions on his blog. Once his girlfriend asked him for advice for an illness, he asked her to open a branch of the fridge and put her head in. Next to this post, he creates a number from a list of barcodes and serial numbers of various items he keeps in his refrigerator.

Others also followed the advice of this post. Especially in Brazil it spread through social media via the internet. Then it becomes global. Many may think it is a made up story. It will not be believed. But once you look at Google search, has a branch been put in the refrigerator? Ha ha ha!

Monirul Islam

1044 Blog posts
