Don't forget these things if you want to earn money in life

Lifestyle Desk: Let's know what needs to be done to meet financial goals. Whenever the topic of personal finance comes up, two things that usually come to mind are how much money to invest in a month and how much return can be obtained by investing that amount of money.

Lifestyle Desk: Let's know what needs to be done to meet financial goals. Whenever the topic of personal finance comes up, two things that usually come to mind are how much money to invest in a month and how much return can be obtained by investing that amount of money.


These two things are important to note. But financial advisors make it clear that these are not the only things to keep an eye on. You also need to know what actually needs to be done to meet your financial goals. Setting specific goals: Suppose someone is thinking of building a house.

In this case, in which area the house will be, how it will be, all those things have to be specified, otherwise there will be no profit even by saving money month by month. But if everything is specified, how much money it will cost will be clear and then the goal will be easier.

Fixing the budget: Once the budget is fixed, the rest of the planning will be much easier. For example, let's assume that a person needs 70 lakh rupees to build a house. Out of this 20 percent, means 14 lakhs has to be paid. If this calculation is clear, how much money should be deposited in a month, it will come before the eyes and it will be possible to move forward accordingly.

Goals should be achievable: Do not set goals that are difficult to achieve. Let's assume someone's monthly income is 1 lakh rupees and savings is 30 thousand rupees. Now if the person thinks to save half of the income from next month, that target will not be met.


Why not, in that case he has to change many things, which can create problems. Goals should be realistic: Don't decide to meet a goal beyond earnings. If all the earnings go towards that goal, then living will be a problem.

Monirul Islam

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