Social responsibility and sense of responsibility in Islam

Social responsibility and sense of responsibility are given great importance in Islam. A Muslim's life is not limited to personal worship; Rather, some responsibilities are imposed on every Muslim to build a peaceful and prosperous society through justice, kindness, and cooperation.

Social responsibility and sense of responsibility are given great importance in Islam. A Muslim's life is not limited to personal worship; Rather, some responsibilities are imposed on every Muslim to build a peaceful and prosperous society through justice, kindness, and cooperation.


This social responsibility is clearly stated in various ways in the Qur'an and Hadith.

Importance of Social Responsibility: The responsibility of compassion and helping people is very important in Islam. Allah says in the Qur'an: And help one another in righteousness and piety, but do not help one another in sin and transgression. Fear Allah, verily Allah is severe in punishment. (Surat al-Maida, verse 2)

In this verse, Allah commands His servants to cooperate in the cause of justice and goodness. A Muslim's duty is to work for the welfare of the society and avoid sin.

Helping the poor and needy: In Islam, the rich and powerful have a duty to help the poor and needy. According to Islamic teachings, it is a fundamental duty, which helps to maintain social stability and harmony in the human community.

Allah says: And in their wealth there is a fixed right, for the beggars and the destitute. (Surah Ad-Zariat, verse 19)

This verse clearly states that every Muslim has the right of the poor and helpless in the society. In order to ensure this, Islam has played a role in poverty alleviation through the system of charity such as Zakat, Sadaqah, Fitra etc.

Duty to Family and Relatives: Duty to family is also a part of one of the social duties of Islam. Duty to parents, children, and relatives is specifically encouraged in the Qur'an and Hadith.

Allah says: And your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and be kind to your parents. If one or both of them reach old age in your lifetime, do not say 'Oops' to them and do not reprimand them, but speak to them gently and politely." (Surah Al-Isra, verse 23)

This verse points out the importance of being responsible to our parents. It is the duty of every child to respect, respect and care for them.

Neighbor's Right: Compassion and duty towards one's neighbor is given great importance in Islam. In the hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: He cannot be a believer who keeps his neighbor in a state of hunger and keeps himself satisfied. (Sahih Bokhari)

Through this hadith, an important example has been set against poverty in the society and to fulfill humanitarian responsibilities. Sharing the happiness and sorrows of one's neighbor is considered an important duty in Muslim society.

Sense of responsibility towards justice and good deeds: Islam lays great emphasis on establishing social justice. Allah says in the Qur'an: Surely Allah enjoins justice, virtue and kindness to relatives and forbids obscenity, evil deeds and disobedience. He admonishes you so that you may learn. (Surah An-Nahl, Verse 90)

It indicates the importance of justice and virtue in a society. It is the duty of a Muslim to do every work justly and to stay away from indecency and disobedience.

Education of Social Responsibility in Hadith: The Prophet (PBUH) made Muslims aware of social responsibility through various Hadith. He said: “The best person is the one who is most benevolent to mankind. (Al-Mu'atta)

From this hadith it is understood that the duty of a true Muslim is to work for the welfare of the society. In addition to meeting one's own needs, one should also meet the needs of others.

Responsibility to establish peace in society: An important part of the social responsibility of Islam is to maintain peace and stability in society.

According to the teachings of Islam, no believer can ever cause chaos in society. Allah says: And do not create disorder in the world. Surely Allah does not like those who create chaos. (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 205)

This verse shows that in Islam, every person has the responsibility to maintain peace and order in the society.

Social responsibility and sense of responsibility are very important in Islam. There is extensive discussion of its importance in the Quran and Hadith. A Muslim's duty is to establish justice, help the poor and helpless, protect the rights of relatives and neighbors, and maintain peace and stability in society.

By following these teachings of Islam, a peaceful and prosperous society is possible.

Author: BA Hons (Bangla), MA (Bangla), Fazil (Islamic Studies), Kamil (Hadith).

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