Keep this food in the feet of mothers to increase breast milk

Lifestyle Desk: There is no alternative to mother's breast milk for the growth of the baby. First six months of baby are very important especially for proper nutrition and growth of body and brain. And for these 6 months his main diet is mother's milk. So pregnant and new mothe

Lifestyle Desk: There is no alternative to mother's breast milk for the growth of the baby. First six months of baby are very important especially for proper nutrition and growth of body and brain. And for these 6 months his main diet is mother's milk. So pregnant and new mothers should look at their daily diet for a healthy and strong future.

Mom & kids

Keep this food in the mother's diet

• It is very important to have green vegetables in the daily diet. A variety of vegetables, beans, etc.

• Eat whole grains like oats, barley, millet.

• Eat two bowls of pulses daily. You can eat mung bean, lentil, chickpea, pea, arhar, beuli, whichever pulse you like.

• Eating protein is very important. So let there be fish, eggs, chicken meat, cheese, milk, nuts in daily diet.

• Use fenugreek, fennel, white sesame, linseed in cooking.

• Moderate ginger garlic should be consumed regularly.

• Eat fruits daily to increase body nutrition. Apple, guava, banana, papaya, currants are beneficial for both mother and baby.

• Deficiency of water occurs in mother's body after breastfeeding. So every day mother should drink sufficient amount of water.

• Herbal tea made with fenugreek, ginger, fennel is more beneficial for new mothers than regular tea. It increases milk supply.

Avoid These Foods
► Coffee or caffeinated drinks should be avoided by new mothers. It disturbs the sleep of both mother and child.

► Avoid sweets like chips, fast food, cake-cookies, soft drinks as much as possible.

► Alcohol and smoking should be completely stopped.

► Avoid foods that cause allergies.

Don't say a word, just follow the doctor's advice. They are the best to say what should or should not be in the diet.

Monirul Islam

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