Writ seeking direction to ban and block content of 'Republic Bangla'

A writ has been filed in the High Court demanding legal action against Indian channel 'Republic Bangla' and banning and blocking of their news and content in the territory of Bangladesh.

A writ has been filed in the High Court demanding legal action against Indian channel 'Republic Bangla' and banning and blocking of their news and content in the territory of Bangladesh.

Supreme Court lawyer on Monday. Mahmudul Hasan filed this writ.

In the writ, the Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the Secretary of the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, the Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Secretary of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Secretary of the ICT Department and the Chairman of BTRC have been made defendants.

According to the writ petition, Republic Bangla is an Indian television channel. In addition to satellite broadcasting, this channel promotes their news, content through various social media channels including YouTube, Facebook. But it is very sad that this Indian television channel is regularly airing propaganda against Bangladesh. This Indian television channel is continuously broadcasting false information against Bangladesh and is indulging in conspiracies to destabilize law and order in Bangladesh. This Indian television channel is involved in a criminal conspiracy to separate Chittagong Division from the territory of Bangladesh and merge it with India. Besides, this Indian television channel Republic Bangla is constantly trying to create Hindu-Muslim communal riots in Bangladesh by spreading rumors against Bangladesh.

The writ also stated that the said Indian television channel Republic Bangla is carrying out media aggression against Bangladesh by spreading false propaganda against Bangladesh for completely dishonest purposes. This Indian television channel is a threat to the national security of Bangladesh. Besides, the said Indian television channel has appeared as a threat to the public safety of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh government must take legal action against this Indian television channel Republic Bangla to protect the national security of Bangladesh. Besides, for the sake of public safety of Bangladesh, all the news and content of the said foreign television channels should be banned and blocked in the territory of Bangladesh.

Earlier, although a legal notice was sent to take action on the same matter, the writ was filed because the Bangladesh government did not take legal action against the Indian television channel Republic of Bengal and did not block the channel's news and content from social media such as Facebook, YouTube, the lawyer said.

Monirul Islam

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